About Us| How It All Started | Green Construction | References |

Starlight Construction is Big on the



* Reduce   

* Re-use

* Recycle

We’ve been Green long before Green was Cool!

We have extensive experience with sustainable construction materials and processes that we constantly draw on to assist our clients.

As part of our continued commitment to this environment in which we live and work, Starlight Construction developed an intense Construction Waste Management System that includes locating neighbors interested in burning some of our clean waste lumber in their fireplaces.

We not only believe Green Construction is the way of the future, but we are also witness to the fact that a properly executed Green Construction Plan can provide an immediate as well as long term financial benefit to the Client as well as create a long term health benefit to the building occupants.  In other words, It pays to be Green.

'I am so proud of the way you manage your site…'


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